
Add me to the TOBB *banned* list!

By MTmommy,

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is that another name for B F T?

anyways I haven't seen Sheryl post in a while, it's always other moderators posting, maybe she's dead

only time I can check the boards is at school because I'm banned from my computer at home :)

edited............LOL when I type in TOBB it automatically changed it to TOBB, is this some kind of precaution the moderators have placed here....oh no we're limited freedom like on that other site!! :)

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I was banned earlier this year from TOBB and just yesterday I'm now able to view the site again, I used to have to go to a different PC to check the site. Don't get me wrong betterbidding is a much better web site, it's just nice to know what other people win on priceline as well, I'll be a mole for betterbidding :)

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Well I am here as *sort of* a refugee from TOBB. I will probably always look at both. However, it is just not a pleasant experience to even read posts over there. I have never personally had any trouble with anything other than deleted posts, but I don't like seeing other people being attacked. Especially when they are now (and this stuff is complicated!)

I am going to start posting my winning bods over here instead. I am also a Wolverine alum and am so happy to bee a big blue M whenever I visit!

Please let me know if you need financial support for the boards also. Usually, I need to bid through another link (because my husband is still looking for a job and I need to save wherever I can.) However, if needed, I will bid through your link. Just let me know.

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I have posted there before and honestly I go here and there to see what people are getting for deals, but I don't want her advice after hearing all these negative things, and I would gladly use links here before I would use hers. She has already sent me 2 emails in regard to using her links for postings I have made about winning bids, she has also deleted a few of my postings. I only found these sites a month ago. I have been using priceline and hotwire for 3 years now and I wanted to share. Apperently she was checking her records to see if I used her for a bid I made in January, again before I knew of betterbidding or TOBB. She does not offer much over there. She doesn't even want the rebid strategy shared, which is one of the most valuable things you can do while bidding. I will now look forward to being banned, I feel I must for all humanity and I await this honor. It is easy enough to use an anonymous proxy site to view the board, which I still will do as not everyone knows of both, I would rather not hear her mouth though. I just want to see what other people win. I am done posting there.

Anyway here is a recent post over there: If I were talked to in this way I would be BS.

Why berate someone in a post. Just kill the posting if it is not appropriate.

<removed for copyright by thereuare>

Can anyone say arrogance.

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I don't know if this is the right place to say this, but I just wanted to say thank you to thereuare. I really appreciate the tone he has set for this board, one that is always helpful and professional.

Not to mention, this forum has educated me on successful Priceline bidding. Because of it, I've managed to enjoy some wonderful vacations (while saving some $$). And isn't that what it is all about?

Someone point me in the direction of where to click to help out?


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It appears that TOBB's moderator is interested in information that is posted here. One post is actually copied word for word to a board there. It's unfortunate that she is unscrupulous enough to allow such nonsense, and to use the info for her benefit when she knows she is losing users by the day.

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OMG I have been banned! LMAO. I have NO clue why. I went on today and said I was going to do a re-bid soon, and needed advice, and the dates were the same, and the hotels were the same $$. Thats IT - that is all i did. LMAO. Maybe she saw me posting over here too on the same dates (diff user name) and clued in?. Oh well...off to look anyway.....she is so stupid to not realize that we can simply still go look - even sign up again and post after our ip and username has been banned... LMAO

Edited to add: I did not even know about this board until after I had posted my first rejected bids over there a few days ago, so thought I would see if anyone who had followed my bids had a thought. I have since found this board and really no need for the evil board anymore :)

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It appears that TOBB's moderator is interested in information that is posted here. One post is actually copied word for word to a board there. It's unfortunate that she is unscrupulous enough to allow such nonsense, and to use the info for her benefit when she knows she is losing users by the day.

Of course she's interested... she knows that we're the Better Bidding board. :)

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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Indeed, I do have the impression that THIS board has grown enourmously since around half year ago when I joined it... (at least I think I can say that for the "other countries" chapter... don't check the US pages a lot), and it seems to me that the entries in TOBB get less frequent as half a year ago....

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Of course she's interested... she knows that we're the Better Bidding board. :)

:) Love that!! Thereuare, thanks again for a friendly resource. I, personally, am going to make all of my online purchases through your affiliate links, when possible. I want to keep this resource available, and I know that bandwidth is NOT FREE! I have an upcoming Ritz Carlton ($$$$) reservation to make for a family member, and was happy to see that RC is an affiliate. Thanks again, and I'm happy to see this community blossoming!


Edited to add:

Thereuare, I could swear that I saw a Ritz Carlton affiliate link! Am I dreaming? If not, where is it? If so, could you get one? Thanks!

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I guess you dont get around much? There is another "board" that many seem to have a problem with Sheryl..wait, in fact, I know of 2 other boards that have many posts with people who have a problem with her..

Nothing wrong with reading her information as its public information..unfortunately she has scared too many people into posting and supporting her

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I suggest everyone who posts here and on other travel forums mention this board in their posts. I have been to other boards/forums where people suggest TOBB and in all my replies I tell them of my experiences there. I also let them know of this board and how great of a community it is.

I also link to this thread specifically to show the how ugly TOBB is, so they know that I am not just an anomaly.

I suggest everyone here do the same.

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I see she is still bullying, berating and banning people.

It can be extremely upsetting & humiliating to be treated that way so if it happens to you and you want to make yourself feel a LOT better search for her and "Connie Wong" or "sushi" in Google Groups and you'll soon see how laughable she really is :)

Thanks thereuare for your wonderful board - it's great to see it getting bigger and better all the time.

(Edit/Note by thereuare: let's try to continue to stick to the "high road" and not comment on how people conduct themselves outside of the topic of travel)

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What amazes me is that she believes that if she bans you, you cannot get onto her board! There are so many anonymous browsers (shadowbrowers is a free one), that you don't NEED her to get onto the board.

Let's just keep posting here and keep this one growing.

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(Edit/Note by thereuare: let's try to continue to stick to the "high road" and not comment on how people conduct themselves outside of the topic of travel)

You're right of course. I just remember how much better it made me feel after my run in to find out I wasn't alone!

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