
Priceline Hotel: Avoiding Trump International

By ticklemetoo,

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I have read over and over there is no way of avoiding the Trump International when bidding for a 5* hotel on the North Strip.

However, what if when the "list view" of hotels come up and the Trump Hotel isn't listed? Is it safe to assume you wouldn't win it on Priceline when bidding?

Thanks in advance!

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It is not safe to assume that whatsoever. Both events are not mutually exclusive. Basically, though the list view of hotels may not list the Trump as a choice, that does not mean that you cannot bid and win the Trump. As you've already stated, you've read over and over that there is no way of avoiding the Trump, that is absolutely the case in this instance.

Let me give you some advice, sometimes it's worth it to just pay a little more. I was in your shoes, I decided it was worth it to use the HOTWIRE link here and pay some more for a 5* hotel. For peace of mind, it's worth it in my mind. I really wanted a 5* and did not want the Trump. Hotwire guaranteed that I would not end up with the Trump. The extra money I spent was well worth it.

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FWIW: I wrote Priceline about this and told them that by insisting on having off strip hotels such as Trump Wyndham in their "Strip Vicinity" Zone they were losing business to Hotwire.

First response was just a form letter that maid no sense. So I wrote to corporate management.

Here is their response:

We do understand your concern about are Las Vegas reservations with the

strip location. We do apologize for any confusion; however, the zone is

called the strip vicinity and any hotel inside that shaded are that

accepts your price is what you would receive. If you want to be

directly on the strip then we suggest you use our shop and compare site

where you can choose your hotel and location.

We are sorry we did not provide you the answers you were looking for and

we thank you for your time.

Well, that was helpful ... :)

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We do understand your concern about are Las Vegas reservations with the

strip location.

It all makes sense... If Priceline's "senior management" can't use the proper form of "our," how could they possibly be expected to figure out why they're losing so much business to Hotwire over the "Strip Vicinity" issue?

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What are you asking Priceline to do?

1) Banish Trump and Westin Causarina from participating in Priceline?

2) Downgrade Trump to 4* and Westin to 3.5*? That would only be pushing the problem from one group of bidders to another.

3) Redefine zone boundaries so bidders will know with 100% confidence that they'll be getting, or not getting, Trump or Westin?

Priceline's response to your email wasn't very eloquent but it does convey the key point:

the zone is called the strip vicinity and any hotel inside that shaded are that

accepts your price is what you would receive. If you want to be

directly on the strip then we suggest you use our shop and compare site

where you can choose your hotel and location.

Priceline isn't in the business of selling pre-identified hotels at deep discounts. It sells unidentified mystery hotels at deep discount. If there's a hotel in a zone that you don't want--not just in Vegas, but anywhere-- then don't use Priceline for that trip. Priceline isn't the best answer for everyone 100% of the time, and it doesn't strive to be. Even Shatner probably uses Hotwire sometimes.

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What are you asking Priceline to do?

1) Banish Trump and Westin Causarina from participating in Priceline?

2) Downgrade Trump to 4* and Westin to 3.5*? That would only be pushing the problem from one group of bidders to another.

3) Redefine zone boundaries so bidders will know with 100% confidence that they'll be getting, or not getting, Trump or Westin?

Priceline's response to your email wasn't very eloquent but it does convey the key point:

Priceline isn't in the business of selling pre-identified hotels at deep discounts. It sells unidentified mystery hotels at deep discount. If there's a hotel in a zone that you don't want--not just in Vegas, but anywhere-- then don't use Priceline for that trip. Priceline isn't the best answer for everyone 100% of the time, and it doesn't strive to be. Even Shatner probably uses Hotwire sometimes.

#3 is the answer.

I understand your point and my point is Priceline

1) Disappoints people who expect a true strip casino and get the Westin or the Trump.

2) Drives business to Hotwire with this policy, and thus, costs themselves money.

It's simply bad business.

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There are many Priceline zones, all over the US, where bidders wish that one or two hotels weren't in the zone. It's nothing unique to Vegas. This exact issue has come up in Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, and San Diego, just to name a few. In those cities Priceline forced hotels into the Downtown zone that nobody really considered to be located Downtown. You could bid the Downtown zone and get a hotel as far as 2 or 3 miles from Downtown (but still within the Downtown zone boundaries, as defined by Priceline).

Priceline knows full well that bidders don't like these "outlier" hotels inside the zone. Many people complain. But Priceline has to balance the needs of its bidders against the needs of its hotel suppliers. Without happy hotel suppliers Priceline has nothing to sell at deep discount. Where situations like Trump/Westin exist it's usually because the hotel suppliers have requested/demanded the arrangement.

People don't like getting the Westin because it's off the Strip. Let's say Priceline made a new "Near Strip East" zone where Westin was the only 4* hotel. Bidders who want to be on the Strip would be happy because they'd never get Westin again. And bidders who like the Westin could bid 4* in "Near Strip East" with 100% assurance that they'd get the Westin and nothing else.

Great for bidders but terrible for Westin. The new zone would be much less popular than the Strip zone and Westin's Priceline bookings would plummet. And Westin's devoted customers who only want the Westin and pay full price to stay there would quickly figure out they could always get Westin on Priceline for half price. Full price booking would evaporate.

Starwood, which owns Westin and Sheraton, is one of Priceline's largest suppliers. Starwood has the leverage to make Priceline include Westin in its Strip zone if they want. In return Starwood gives Priceline thousands of more desireable rooms at other Westins and Sheratons all over the country.

Same thing for Trump. If Trump was the only 5* in its own zone nobody would pay full price to stay at Trump again. Venetian and Wynn wouldn't like it if Trump left the zone either. Trump's departure would make targeting Wynn and Venetian easier. They'd lose full price business too.

I understand why you're upset about the Trump/Westin situation. But it's probably not going to change unless Trump and Westin decide they want it to change.

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  • 3 months later...

Oh Im sure it isn't that bad. I actually really enjoy the Westin, and I do see why Priceline can't take them out. The only trend I notice is generally, if you bid high you might get something else... You won't get the Venitian or Wynn for $65 bucks right? Realistically? I don't notice that much savings on the Venetian/Wynn over all. Lowest I've seen it on Hotwire is about $105. The going rate for the Ventian is about $199... So if you want the Venitian or the Wynn just go pay for it, or see what HOTWIRE can do for you. You probably won't save that much on PRICELINE anyways.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 11 years later...
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