
Hotwire Hotel: Need Waikiki Hotel

By Starr,

Recommended Posts

Hi I am ready to book a hotel in Honolulu/Wikiki beach area.

Is it normal for hot wire to ask me to post all of my personal info. before making a bid? I was shown a few hotels with prices on thier website

and when I pressed continue it started to ask me about my info. even before I had chosen a Hotel. Should I go ahead and put in the info before making a bid on a hotel? Is this their normal proceedure?

I want to bid on a four star hotel in the West Waikiki area.

Can anyone please give me some tips??

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Priceline: Bidding

Hotwire: Tells you price you will pay

--> Neither will tell you the hotel until you have already bought it

If you haven't yet, read this thread which explains the similarities/differences between each service in a little more detail: MORE INFO

Once you decide if you want to pay the price Hotwire is offering OR if you'd rather bid on Priceline, let us know and i'm sure we'll jump in with some advice/help.

PS- if you decide to use Hotwire, please write down the amenities offered before you purchase, as this will help users identify the hotel in the future

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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Starr, if you got to the page asking for your details, you were on a purchase page, and you'd selected a hotel. :)

You select your hotel on the page where they show the prices and icon amenities, then you put in your info, and finally once that's complete Hotwire shows you what you've purchased.

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Hi guys. You can move my topic to the Hawaii thread. I can't find it.

I wrote an e-mail to hot wire that it is important that I have a refrigerator in my room. I am waiting for their answer.

I made a bid of $130. per night for 3 nights for a 4 star hotel located in

the west side of Waikiki. It was not accepted.

I am not willing to book a three star with wire or priceline because Expedia has lots of great rates for 3 star hotels. I think for $130. I can get a great deal through Expedia.

I am going to wait for hot wire e-mail answer before booking a hotel.

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Will be interested in hearing Hotwire's response. Many upper-level hotels will rent a refrigerator to you if you have need (such as keeping medication refrigerated). On Hotwire, also look for a "kitchenette" icon - any of those properties will automatically have a small refrigerator.

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Although a request for a refrigerator is common, espicially at higher end hotels, it could be difficult to "guarantee" when using Priceline or Hotwire. It will be interesting to see if Hotwire tells you that you're "safe" or not if you only select a hotel with the kitchenette icon.

When you bid on Priceline for the 4*, were you just taking the risk that if your bid was accepted that the hotel would have a refrigerator available, or was this an after-thought that you hadn't considered at the time you placed your bid.

Let us know what Hotwire's response is. Also, Hotwire has pretty good customer service via telephone. You can call them and speak to a live person, usually with little or no waiting, if you don't want to wait for an email reply. If you speak with somebody via telephone, i'd ask them point blank if the kitchenette icon guarantees a refrigerator in the room. If you get a favorable response, ask for an email confirming such, or at the very least write down the name of the person you spoke with.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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Have you checked out the Yacht Harbor area? A 4 1/2 * hotel keeps coming up there for me for $115. It shows customer favorite, oceanfront, restaurant, pool, fitness center, golf nearby & tennis nearby...I just have a feeling this would be a great place and they would surely rent you a fridge for a small fee, if there is not one in the room already. I was going to go for it, but we only have an overnight stay in Honolulu, so didn't figure I needed such a place. Good luck. :)

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I think this is what you're looking for. I've used Hotwire the past 2 years to get a hotel in Waikiki, Yacht Harbor area. In 2001, Hotwire was just starting out and they only had a couple hotel partners in Honolulu, Hilton and Outrigger. Hilton was the only 4.5 star in the Yacht area so I pretty much figured I was going to get it. In 2002, they had 2 4.5 stars in the same area, went for it anyways and got the Hawaii Prince. Both nice hotels! Anyways here's what I got, cut and paste from my purchase history...

This is what I got in 2002...

Your reservation has been confirmed and you will receive a confirmation email. We suggest you print your itinerary and bring it with you to the hotel.

Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki


Oceanfront (No Beach Access) Restaurant(s) Pool(s) Fitness Center Business Center Golf Course Nearby Tennis Court Nearby

View hotel's amenities

100 Holomoana St

Honolulu, Oahu, HI 96815

(808) 956-1111

Billing Details

No. of Rooms:


No. of Nights:


Price Per Night:




Taxes / Booking Fees:


Total Price:


This is what I got in 2001...

Your reservation has been confirmed and you will receive a confirmation email. We suggest you print your itinerary and bring it with you to the hotel.

Hilton Hawaiian Village


2005 Kalia Road

Honolulu, Oahu, HI 96815

(808) 949-4321

Billing Details

No. of Rooms:


No. of Nights:


Price Per Night:




Taxes / Booking Fees:


Additional Savings:

$10.00 coupon

Total Price:


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Hi everybody. Thank you all for your advise. I decided to test Priceline.com by booking one room for one night.

I bid $45. for a 3 star hotel. It was not accepted. I then bid $50. and was

accepted because I had to lower the stars to a 1-2 stars. They sold me The Continental Surf Hotel right in the heart of Waikiki. It has the frig, micro, coffeemaker. Hotel review says it is a great place for students.lol. In other words, it is a so-so hotel.

I only need the hotel to rest for 9hours before my flight home on July 13th.

I don't fly home til 9p.m.

The is the comical funny part of the deal. Travelocity had the Cont. Surf Hotel for $49.95 listed. I lost a nickel by going with priceline. Expedia had it for $52. Orbitz had it for $50. Duh!! So what is so special about Priceline

if they were not able to get me a 3 star hotel at that rate. I did try to get a 3 star hotel at that rate. I had to lower my stars to get what I could have gotten anyway from the other websites.

I am now going to buy my 3 night stay in Waikiki and choose hotel and location at the price I want to pay through hotel websites. I think I can get a better deal on my own. Why gamble and get a hotel or location I might not want? I am not a gambler and plan to just control what I want.

Thanks everbody. Luci

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I'm sorry you don't feel that you saved money with Priceline, but there was no reason to raise your bid amount when you lowered the quality level to 2 stars.

As an example (with the specifics taken to extremes), let's say you asked Priceline to find you a room at a 5* hotel at $150 and it was turned down. You then basically asked them to find you a 2* hotel at $200.... when lowering the quality level, it is usually advisable to lower your bid price as well, as you are now dealing with a lower class of hotels (which obviously are often less expensive). There is a chance that your original $45 bid would have been accepted at the lower quality level, as well, a much cheaper bid may have been accepted as well.

Could you please post as to whether this hotel is in Waikiki East or Wiakiki West so that i can add it to the hotel list by city.

If you decide to try Priceline for a future trip, we'll be here to assist. Either way, have a great trip.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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Hi. Thank you for your advise. I think I should have stopped the bidding

and gone back another time. Something strange happened while bidding.

There was a check mark on all the star levels. I wasn't able to delete the check marks in the boxes. I should have logged out and start over again.

So, I really didn't have a choice on star level anyway.

The Continental Surf Hotel is located in the Waikiki EAST. Address is 2426 Kuhio Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii 96815.

I will report on the hotel when I get back.

Hawaii has lots of hotels all over. Some are listed as one star but they look like they have a lot to offer. For example: ocean front, frig, micro, coffee maker, lots of restaurants and shopping in the hotel.

Plus, the rates in some hotels can go from $75.-300. Depending on what location you want in the hotel and other amenities.

The hotel I am looking at that interests me is the "Miramar in Waikiki Hotel"

2345 Kuhio Ave. Located east side waikiki.

I want to be near the International Market Place. It has a lower bottom floor with several restaurants including Denny's. Plus, shopping stores. One block from beach. Has frig. Free HBO. Near local bus line. Not close to other hotels that could block any view from any room. Plus, I can get a SENOR upgrade once I get there. Hotel rate starts at $69. per night. Plus, it is located near the Radisson Waikik Hotel.

I will let you all know what hotel I will end up booking.

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As a note on the checkmarks in all the levels, this is why you always want to start at your highest * level and bid down. When you bid lower levels, all the levels above you are automatically selected. So you may check 3*, but Priceline sees you as bidding 3, 4 and 5*. So if you want to bid a 4 or 5* separately, with a higher price than you'd bid a 3*, you'd need to bid those first, then start over with a completely new bid and bid 3*, etc.

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  • 3 months later...

:) Oh my God.

I am sorry to say it ,but you made all the first time mistakes for Priceline. By raising your bid and then lowering your star choices to 1 and 2 star you end up over paying for a 2 star. From what I read any hotel that Priceline offers under 3 stars are really bad. Also in bad neighborhood. I think if I remember right that the hotel you got has a ADULT store in front or in lobby? I forget I read so much info.

If you have an e-mail like yahoo or hotmail and want to post it I can help you with the in's and out's

I would of told you to pay $60 to $65 and get a Priceline 3*.

I too need 2 nights on this island. Was looking to see if Hotwire offers different than priceline.

this board is great keep up the good work

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The 1* and 2* hotels aren't that bad, they're all not in bad neighborhoods, and others are paying more than us and actually choose to stay there. Personally, i prefer to stick with the 3* and higher hotels, as well as the occaisional 2.5* hotel as they are often 'AmeriSuite-type' of properties which are fine with me.

On the other hand, some people think that the 1* and 2* hotels offer great value and are advocates of them.

Perhaps the bidder didn't want to pay $60+ for a hotel room. Remember we all have different tastes and different opinions as to what's important to us and how we want to spend our money (so go easy on the first time user :) )

Here's a thread if you want to read more about 1* rated properties: Why so few 1* bids?

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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thought I was going easy? I offered to help him/her. I know what it is to be new. The free rebid thing is confusing. So how was I not nice? I really thought I was. I really don't think an extra $10 a night would really make a difference? The person is paying for a trip to Hawaii. Why would an extra $10 make a difference? $10 can be found by not eating lunch or no rent a car ect.

Did you not hear about the Adult store at the hotel? I for one would not want a hotel that has an Adult store or ladies of the evening walking near by.

I was really trying to be helpful. Sorry if I came across to harsh

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Skipper, i didn't mean to imply that you crossed any lines, and your offer of assistance is certanly appreciated (and i encourage you, and all other members, to continue to offer assistance whenever possible).

As tone and inflection can't come across in the written word, and some people are more sensitive than others, some users/readers may misconstrue comments like "oh my god ...you made all the first time mistakes" as being harsh. I'm just trying to make sure that everyone feels comfortable here and never is concerned about the comments/replies they might receive for posting. There's already a board that kicks users in the teeth for trying to help. :)

Again, $10 may not seem like much money to you or me, but everyone has their priorities. Maybe $50 was the 'line in the sand' for how much to spend for 'just a place to rest before a flight' (which is what i believe this one day stay was for)

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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great forum,

i too have made "first time pl user mistakes" i even made one recently (did not lower bid on re-bid for lower rated hotel) but i have found so much info on these boards that i know i will be able to make much better bids in the future.

starr, i believe that if you read thru the other posts on these board , especially the tips forum then you will be able to get great info on making better bids. have fun on your trip.

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  • 10 months later...

Hawai'i is a very strange hotel market. Even in the *3 star range, there are rooms that are worth a lot less, and you might be unlucky enough to end up there after paying a rack rate. :)

I used to live there, and I had my share of dubious deals, even using local resident (kama'aina) rates, which allow you to book and cancel reservations at your property of choice. I just completed a PL bid for the Ohana Waikiki Village (will post details later), which, from the sounds of it, is a 2* hotel masquerading as a 3*. Oh, well, we'll see, I only need one night after a late flight, and I'm gone again the next day.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes, I need to agree with the 2 above posts. I bid in 1999 for a 4* hotel which I ended up at the Sheraton Waikiki...thought it was a great deal until I got there! We were given a room in the "Annex" which is like a 1* "maid quarters" next to the parking structure of the "main house". It was terrible! At that time, I called Priceline and they refunded me the money and I moved to the Outrigger East which is now called Ohana East where I stayed in 1997 without using Priceline. I do not know if Priceline is as lenient with their return policy as they were back in the day. It also could be that we were visiting 4 islands and every single accommodation was made through Priceline.

I am going to Oahu in September and after reviewing the hotels that are coming up, I am opting to pay the rack rate which is unfortunate because I am addicted to auctions and bidding!

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