
Write Down Amenities BEFORE Purchase

By thereuare,

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The essential part of making Hotwire information useful on this board is keeping track of the amenities offered, as this is what differentiates one hotel from another, and will allow us to determine which hotel(s) in each area is being offered.

This information is not available after you click the purchase button, so please write it down BEFORE you agree to buy your hotel room.

Also note, that there is only enough space on Hotiwire's interface to hold 8 amenity icons.... if there are 8 icons, you may want to click on the "View Hotel's Amenities" link next to the icons in order to open a new window and see if there are more amenities than just the 8 shown (many of the amenities listed near the end are the one's that make it easier to identify the properties).

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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  • 4 months later...

Should this section be updated, as we now know that Hotwire does store the amenity information? (Through My Account, then click on Hotel Purchases, then the city, and hotel details will appear, along with the amenities)

However, it was reported that the 'Customer Favorite' rating was not stored.

Also, a very small thing... on the Vacation Packages pages, if you want to see if there are more than 8 amenities, you click on 'Detailed Information' instead of 'View Hotel's Amenities'....

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  • 5 years later...
  • 3 months later...
Thanks for the info.

Since this thread was originally posted this information is now also available by going to the MY ACCOUNT link on the top right corner of the HOTWIRE home page.

Do a screen capture before paying to record all the details of your transaction (on a mac, type Command shift 3) or on a Windows machine, Print Screen and then go to graphics program, paste and save it.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

thereuare--I don't know if it's something new but the resort fee is disclosed if you click on see details and then click on learn more next to this resort charges a resort fee.

In some areas this makes it very easy to identify a property.

I'm sure you know this but I can't see where this information is posted.

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The resort fees (and sometimes parking fees) are now shown for most hotels where this fee applies.

This can sometimes be helpful in guessing the name of a hotel offered if you have narrowed it down between a hotel which charges a resort fee vs. a hotel which does not, but the amount of the resort fee shown by HOTWIRE is such a ballpark number (ie- 'about $20' can usually mean anywhere from $12-$25) that i have not found it to be very helpful in trying to ID a hotel when most in the area charge resort fees.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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