
Priceline Hotel: 1* Suburban Extended Stay Lodge - Hampton

By Phaelon56,

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Change of business travel plans - the Staybridge Suites room I bought for 5/20 in Atlanta will go unused but I'll be reimbursed by my employer anyway (they are delighted that I'm saving them so much $$ on business travel during our serious slump).

Sidestep shows 2* to 3* hotels at $62 - $70 and Hotels.com is at $70 - $89. HW has 2* at $40 and 2.5* at $56. Newport News is close enough to my morning destination and has 3* and below zones (Hampton is strictly 2* and below and is closer to my client).

Bid 1 - 3* Newport News at $30 - rejected

Bid 2 - 3* free rebid (add Hampton) at $35 - rejected

New Bid

Bid 1 - Hampton 2.5* at $30 - rejected

Bid 2 - Hampton 2* at $25 - rejected

take a deep breath.... for the first time ever.... go to the scary 1* level!

Bid 3 - Hampton 1* at $23 - won the bid!

Pleasantly surprised at the outcome - this place is part of chain of Extended Stay type of properties and based on the website is likely better than 1*. Sidestep and Hotels.com both rate it as 3* and show it at $65 and $70 respectively - cheapest direct book rate is $85. Considering that there are iffy and inconsistent chains in that area such as Days Inn, Econolodge and Comfort Inn - I'm happy. I really just needed a bed to crash and this fits the bill.

Your Offer Price: $23.00

Number of Rooms: 1

Number of Nights: 1

Subtotal: $23.00

Taxes and

Service Fees: $7.61

Total Charges: $30.61

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