
Priceline Hotel: 2* Fargo Comfort Inn East Fargo

NHL Fever
By NHL Fever,

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I bid $31 for 2* in the Fargo ND area, 1 of 3 areas to choose from when bidding on a room in Fargo. Priceline countered with suggestion to raise bid by $8, which I did and it was accepted.

Total price $39.00 + $11.28 fees = 50.28 USD.

Rejected bids (all of the following were including all three Fargo areas in the bid):

3* $31

2.5* $31

2* $31

3* $41

2.5* $41

2.5* $46

3* $51

2.5* $51

3* $56

2.5* $56

3* $61

2.5* $61

3* $64


If I had re-bid less than the $8 they asked in the counter-offer, is it possible it would have been accepted?

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If I had re-bid less than the $8 they asked in the counter-offer, is it possible it would have been accepted?

Yes, but note that you would have needed to use a re-bid zone (if available) or wait 24 hours before placing your next bid... PRICELINE won't let you enter a bid less than their suggested amount into the box on that page.

See this thread for additional info: Priceline Suggests Price to Pay

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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  • 2 months later...

A follow up to our stay. Very decent place for the money. Staff super-friendly and helpful, which I think is characteristic of Fargo in general. Continental breakfast quite good. One problem I had was the pillows, there were about 5 of them, all quite small and not supporting your head very well. I had a bit of a restless sleep because of these cheap pillows. We did not use the pool but it appeared very small. hot tub looked about normal size. Not unexpected for a cheaper motel. Otherwise very satisfied.

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