
Priceline Hotel: 2 1/2* Amerisuites - Richmond - Innsbrook zone

By Phaelon56,

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Needed another week or so for the GF. Last time we bid for this area there was one busy night that kept us from getting a full week. We ended up splitting it between PL and Hotels.com to end up with an averaged price of $45 per night after all fees (no taxes) were figured in. She can get Extended Stay Studios Plus for $49 per night in this area and HW shows 2.5* in the Innsbrook zone for $39 per night (on our previous bid attempt HW was at $49 or higher if I recall correctly).

Bidding for 2.5* in Richmond affords only one free rebid and the check-in date is only two days away so not lowballing this one by much.

Bid 1 - $30 per night Innsbrook zone for 2.5*

Got it on the first bid! Very curious to see if this could have gone lower but with HW at $39 I suspect this is close to the low end that would be accepted. She stayed in this exact same property last week and liked it just fine.

Hotel Name: Amerisuites Richmond Glen Allen

4100 Cox Rd

Glen Allen, Virginia 23060

804 747 9644

Your Offer Price: $30.00

Number of Rooms: 1

Number of Nights: 4

Subtotal: $120.00

Processing Fee ($5.95 per room): $5.95

Local Taxes and Fees: $13.00

Total Charges: $138.95

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Thanks. In that case.... I feel okay about my $30 bid. It's conceivable that I might have hit at $26 or $28 but the shortage of rebidding options leads me to think I started at about the right price.

Needless to say, she was thrilled. She's there for business reasons but for some compleax reasons, her stays there are not paid for by her employer - every little bit helps!

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