
Priceline Hotel: 3* (Alexandria - Mt. Vernon) Sheraton Suites

By Phaelon56,

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Needed one night while traveling through DC area on way to Richmond VA.

Bid History:

Bid 1 - Dumfries/Lorton area 3* bid at $40 - rejected

Bid 2 - used the one free rebid available and bid at $45 - rejected

Bid 1 - Started new bid process for Alexandria area and started at $50 as this was last minute bidding and only one rebid was available. Won immediately at $50.

Hotel is in "historic" Alexandria but just far enough out of busiest area so that on street parking is readily available at night. Hotel garage was $12 per night but we had spot on street directly in front of hotel.

Nice room with separate living room, coffee maker and small fridge. There were no non-smoking rooms available (first time this has ever happened to me with PL!) and although the hallway outside the elevatopr on our floor reeked of stale cigarette smoke, the room had no detectable smoke odor - it was just fine.

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Thanks for the post.

Do you recall if this was in:

(Alexandria - Mt. Vernon) OR (Alexandria - Pentagon) OR (Springfield - Alexandria)

Just want to get it right for the "Hotel List by City"

Thanks again.

EDIT: This hotel is in (Springfield - Alexandria) (Alexandria - Mt. Vernon)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This hotel is definitely Alexandria-Mt. Vernon. I've nabbed it for folks for less than $40 several times. The closest hotel to my home, actually. They have a shuttle to the metro, and on a nice day I wouldn't mind the walk either (though it's probably ~ 15 mins that way). Right next to a Giant grocery and a Holiday Inn that you risk getting at the same zone/quality level on PL.

It's about a mile from Old Town.

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