
Hotwire Cancel

By Sgoepfert,

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Okay, so I understand when you book a hot rate Hotel it's supposed to be final.. And of course that one time I have something come up I need to change my room. I booked the wrong date which I should have double-checked for a convention in Las Vegas. Everyone that I have talked to at Hotwire has been nothing but rude and nobody is willing to help. They try saying there's no cancellations yet when I called yesterday a girl said I could cancel for a $40 fee because she was part of a test group. She said not everyone that I talk to you would be able to do it and of course wanted me to do it right then and there, but I had to make sure that I could change my flight first. She never told me that was a one-time deal and that if I ever called back again they would never help me again she just said it would depend on who I talk to. I'm not asking them to cancel or refund I just need to change the days and their excuses oh it's the hotel. Well I called the hotel directly and I called the reservation department and they all said all they have to do is submit a change. I have yet talked to one single person from Hotwire who has been willing to help me at all from the girl that I talked to yesterday it really didn't seem like it was going to be that big of a deal. I am now changed my flights thinking I would be able to change my room today and I'm having no luck.

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Welcome to BetterBidding!

Sorry to hear you're having an issue and booked the wrong dates for your trip.

For starters, most board visitors come here to see what others have won and which hotels/deals are trending.  Please help others by the details of your win to the board so that others will be aware of your purchase when viewing the Priceline and Hotwire Calendar of Wins and searching the topic titles of the board.  In your post please include the star rating, city, zone, hotel name, room rate per nite, dates of your stay (even if the 'wrong' dates you actually need), and the amenities that HOTWIRE associates with the hotel.


What are the actual dates that you do need?


Please remember to return to BetterBidding and use the PRICELINE and HOTWIRE links on the board to begin your travel purchases... or thru our sister site MAPSandHOTELS.com for your regular rate purchases.

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I booked through hotwire and got the Westgate resort for January 16-20th. I didn't realize until right after I booked it that the convention that I'm going to doesn't start until the 21st. So I wasn't asking for a refund or a cancellation or anything else it just really needed them to switch the dates on my room and I have to say, that Hotwire had the absolute worst customer service that I have ever endured in my entire life.

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The current dates are January 16th through January 20th the dates I need are January 20th through January 25th. The problem is that we were coming before the conference is why I was trying to change the dates the conference is the 22nd through the 25th. The total for my current reservation is to 231.44. 188 before taxes 

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I still don't follow the exact dates that you want, but i at least have enough information to explain to you why it's not as easy as "switch my dates" (even if HOTWIRE were to grant an exception to their no changes/no cancellation policy).


Hotel rates are dynamic in that they change based upon supply vs. demand, and no where is this more evident than in Las Vegas where weekend nites are known to be 2x-3x more expensive than midweek nites, as well as conventions and other events greatly effecting prices.

Regular rates at the Westgate for the dates that you (mistakenly) did book:

1/16-1/20: $75/nite

The dates you do want (i'll go with 1/20-1/25):

1/20-1/25: $298/nite

==> so as you can see the second set of dates (that you do need) are in much greater demand, and therefore have much higher prices, than the dates you actually booked.  It should be easy to understand why the hotel will not simply allow HOTWIRE to change the dates on the reservation.


Based upon the above i would not even approach HOTWIRE asking them to change the dates as i can't see that happening... nor is the hotel going to be willing to do that for you either (since even if you got somebody on the line with a sympathetic ear, they would essentially being giving you a $300/nite hotel room during peak demand for $75/nite)


The best i think you can hope for is to try to get somebody at HOTWIRE to cancel the reservation; however, realizing that this would be against the (no changes/no refunds) terms that you agreed to and would be an exception to their policy. 


I would try HOTWIRE again, taking the approach of admitting fault in that you realize your mistake of booking the wrong dates, you understand that this would be an exception to their terms, but if they would have a heart as you made an honest mistake and are now stuck with a hotel room for the wrong dates that you have no use for.  If this doesn't get you anywhere, i would ask if they would be willing to cancel the reservation and issue the refund in the form of Hot Dollars (it's like a gift certificate) that you can use for your replacement purchase for the correct dates.  Most importantly you need to remain calm, friendly, and not raise your voice at the person on the other end of the phone, as they are currently the only ones that can help you out of this situation (which, again, you realize HOTWIRE is just following their stipulated rules... you're only experiencing the 'absolute worst customer service that I have ever endured in my entire life' because you are asking them to make an exception to their rules, which you both previously agreed to).  If you don't get anywhere with the first customer service agent you speak with i would then ask to speak with a supervisor, again, remaining calm and friendly as you explain your situation.  Keep it conversational, 'Surely i can't be the first person who ever booked for the wrong dates", "Originally i thought to just ask you to change the dates but i see there is a big price difference so that won't be possible" (which shows them what a reasonable person you are :wink:).


Let us know how you make out, and if you are able to get some Hot Dollars we can try to help you find a room for the correct dates you need.


Good luck!



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Yes, I do understand their policy. The dates that I'm wanting to book are January 20th through January 25th. During the week although I do realize it's a convention week so the prices may be higher and I would have to pay more money. I actually called the hotel and the reservation people directly and they said that it was Hotwire and all Hotwire had to do was simply submit a request to the hotel. I certainly did try the nice approach many of times and my worst customer service ever wasn't because they wouldn't change it was because of how they talk to me. They were not very friendly and not willing to help me at all whatsoever. I told them I was pretty upset with their customer service and how their supervisor spoke with me and if that was how they were going to treat their customers that I would not booked through Hotwire anymore and he basically told me he didn't care not one bit. I would be interested to see if there are any other deals out there not through Hotwire for the dates January 20th through January 25th. I probably wouldn't be so upset if I didn't come across someone yesterday at Hotwire that told me they can cancel it for a $40 fee and then now nobody all of a sudden could help me today.

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I would first try one last time with HOTWIRE as you will then know where you stand... if you're flexible to book thru any means you'd like, or if you are able to persuade them to cancel in exchange for Hot Dollars and would prefer to stick with HOTWIRE in order to utilize them.  Sometimes (usually) there is nothing the representative can do as they are not given authority to cancel reservations, but maybe you can get lucky and get the right supervisor on the phone who will agree to the cancellations or issue Hot Dollars.  It seems like you have used hotwire before, and if that is the case, i would also include (when telling them that you understand their policy) but you're hoping they can offer a one-time exception since you have purchased thru them many times in the past (only say this if true though, as they will know right away if you're a previous customer or not)


Moving forward for a replacement stay... where is the conference being held and what is your maximum budget? (per nite before fees/taxes)


Please remember to return to BetterBidding and use the PRICELINE and HOTWIRE links on the board to begin your travel purchases... or thru our sister site MAPSandHOTELS.com for your regular rate purchases.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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