
Priceline Hotel: 2 beds...smoking...

By izauze,

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no. a room in the only thing guaranteed. "requesting" something is just that a request.

Since I live in Florida, I have a profile with Starwood Hotels that "requests oceanview" on every reservation I book. I stayed at a Sheraton in the midwest once and upon check-in the clerk asked "Atlantic or Pacific"?

I said Pacific and she game me a room facing west.

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I think smoking rooms are less desirable, so probably there won't be an issue getting one. But if you were assigned a non-smoking room for whatever reason, you'd have to be willing to not smoke in it. (I stayed at a hotel recently where I had to sign a form that I would pay $100 if I smoked in the room! Luckily, I had no intention of doing so.)

As for the two-bed issue, I've been willing to take the risk with Priceline when I can see that the great preponderance of bids in that zone have no problems in this regard. It would be too risky to do this in NYC, in my opinion, and some other places. If I find there will be a problem, time to bring a sleeping bag!

You can also use Hotwire, and enter 2 adults, 1 child (or some similar combination) to ensure you get two beds.

Also, do you mean two double beds, or would two twin beds (likely in Europe) be sufficient?

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