
Priceline Hotel: 2.5* Great Falls Townhouse Inn Great Falls

By travelzee,

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Room Cost (avg. per room, per night): $55.00 (USD)

Number of Rooms: 1

Number of Guests Per Room: 2

Number of Nights: 1

Room Subtotal: $55.00 (USD)

Taxes and Fees: $12.85 (USD)

Total Room Cost: $67.85 (USD)

Ranked #13 of 29 hotels in Great Falls from Trip Advisor. This hotel is $85.00 + $6.95 for a total of $91.95 from their site. In other words, this was not a great deal. Plus, my bidding method on this one ended up getting me a room at a price above what I believe the Express Deals would have snagged it for ($51 + fess). Can't win them all!

I used the PRICELINE link at the top of this site to start my bidding.

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