
Priceline Hotel: 3* Cleveland (Airport Vicinity CLE) Marriott

By candawg,

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I just tried Priceline for the first time. Started at $30.00 for 3* in Independence/Beachwood. No go so I added Airport Vicinity and still no go, then added Downtown, still no go. Went back in later and tried Independence again, this time $40 for 3*, still no go, added Downtown, still no go. Went to $45 and still came up empty.

I'm looking for 2 rooms starting Aug. 1 for 4 nights. Any tips?

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If you are bidding as high as $45 for the Downtown and Airport zones i think you'll ultimately be successful.... although it doesn't appear that you included the Airport zone on your last bid at $45, is there a reason for that? (ie- are you trying to avoid a particular property in the area?)

Rates are not high for your dates and it is still early before this stay, i suspect that inventory will open up soon. In the meantime book a cancellable back-up.

You should also read up on PRICELINE RE-BIDDING as you don't appear to be using your re-bid zones (you have 3 of them when bidding at the 3* level in this zone). Please read the previous link and feel free to ask any questions that you may have... it is highly recommended to confirm your re-bid zones with the board if you're unsure of which ones qualify as your re-bid zones.

If you let us know if there was a reason behind not including the Airport zone on your last bid we'll be happy supply a suggested step-by-step strategy for you to follow.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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I suppose, although my main purpose for going to Cleveland is for the Browns training camp in Berea. I like the selection of 3* properties in the Independence/Beachwood area and frankly would also consider 2 1/2* as that for the most part includes Courtyard by Marriott which I have had good experiences with. Certainly I'll defer to your expertise.

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So you'd only consider a 2.5* in the Independence/Beachwood zone?

What about the Airport and Downtown zones? Is 3* in either of those acceptable or not (based upon you wanting to avoid the Radissson... which i don't know how it is rated via Priceline)

I think it would help if you listed each zone and the highest star rating you would want to bid in each zone (as well as your maximum bid)... it'll then be easy for us to suggest a strategy.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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Yes I'd take a 2 1/2* in Independence/Beachwood and Airport Area. I wouldn't want to go lower than a 3* Downtown. So, Independence/Beachwood - looking for 3* to max. of $55 or 2 1/2 * to max. of $50. Airport area - 3* to max. of $55 or 2 1/2* to max. of $50 and Downtown 4* to max. of $60 or 3* to max. of $55.

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This is what i'm basing the bidding strategy on:

Independece/Beach 3* max $55

Independece/Beach 2.5* max $50

Airprort 3* max $55

Airport 2.5* max $50

Downtown 3* max $55

You have 3 re-bid zones at the 3* level, no re-bid zones at the 2.5* level. If you're not familiar with re-bidding please read PRICELINE RE-BIDDING EXPLAINED and feel free to ask questions and/or confirm your re-bid zones with the board.

Selelct 3* Beach and Airport and Downtown...

Bid $40, if rejected add re-bid zone...

Bid $45, if rejected add re-bid zone...

Bid $50, if rejected add re-bid zone...

Bid $55, if rejected close browser and re-access priceline however you did previously.

If the above is rejected you may want to try it another week or two as rates don't seem too bad for your dates. If you'd rather move forward and secure something, i woudl bid as follows for the 2.5* properties:

Select 2.5* and Independence...

Bid $$37, if rejected close browser adn re-access priceline however you did previously.

Select 2.5* Airport and...

Bid $37, if rejected add Independecne and...

Bid $42.

Any questions feel free to ask. Keep us updated and let us know how the above goes.

I will also add, BEFORE you bid, check out Hotwire.... they have many hotels in the $40-$50 range. If you're new to Hotwire you can use the discount code 'giftcard06' for an extra $10 off per nite (up to $50) which would work out to be cheaper than some of the bids above. Do keep in mind that some hotels are rated slightly higher on Hotwire than on Priceline, so make sure you're comparing apples to apples. For example, htere is a 3.5* Downtown Cleveland hotel (believe to be the Crowne Plaza) for $49/nite... apply the coupon and you're under $40/nite... a good deal and depending upon your needs may be worth it to you rather than bidding the above?

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks to your bidding strategy and the good fortune of my wife still having the Mastercard that I had told her to get rid of I got my two rooms, for two nights (plans changed), my Cdn. Visa was not being accepted.

Bidding went like this:

Independence/Beachwood, Airport and Airport Vicinity 3*

Initial bid $40 - rejected - added Downtown

re-bid $45 - accepted for the Airport Marriott on 150th St. - this hotel lists for $150 per night and up.

2 rooms X $45.00 X 2 nts = $180 + taxes and fees $36.68 - Total $216.68

Many thanks - GO BROWNS!!!!

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