
Help Us Help You: Please Read Before Posting

By AaronJB,

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Just a few suggestions for posters:

1. Please let us know all the details of your trip that you can in your first post - dates, budget, area preferences - anything that could possibly help us help you. If you are asking about a HOTWIRE listing, let us know what amenities are showing, how many people you are searching for and area. If you leave out information in the initial post (dates, for example), then we have to ask and wait for your response instead of just getting right to work on research.

2. Many, many people ask how they can get a specific hotel via HOTWIRE or PRICELINE. Neither service is about getting a specific hotel, it's about getting a deal on a hotel. If you get the hotel you are looking for, that's terrific, but more often than not, expecting to get a specific hotel on either service results in disappointment.

3. Rates are date specific. If someone else got a certain property for a certain price and you are looking for different dates and not getting the same price accepted on PRICELINE, it is because you are looking for different dates.

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Well said, AaronJB. In many posts of late, I seem to keep asking people to read the FAQ's. If they had already read them, they probably wouldn't be asking half the questions they ask.

I'd like to add it is also more considerate to fill the board in on your final outcome than to leave people hanging. Recently, people have asked for help, then abandoned the thread. Those of us that have done the research or tried to give advice would like to know what happened.

That's my 2

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  • 6 months later...

I'll second both the two prior comments!

The problem is, this thread will just drift on down and only be seen by a small portion of the members. New newbies will miss it altogether.

Any chance a nice neat short list like this could be put up on the header area above? Boxed and tagged - "please read this before you make your first post". Not a lot of white space left up there, but looks like it might be possible with some shuffling.

I suppose it could even be a tab? With FAQ's and other good stuff stored there. There looks like room for one more? Labled "Newbies - please start here", or something similar.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is the first time I have visited this site. You keep mentioning people should read the faq. Could you please advise where the faq is?. I believe I might be able to book accommodation through this site. But I am stuffed if I know how to begin. Step one is you scroll down and choose a hotel. The only problem is I cannot even do that. Scrol down which tab on which menu to where?

I might be mistaken - am I on the right web site to get accommodation in the US?

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Try this Getting Started thread... if that doesn't point you in the right direction then send me a PM (click my screenname on the left and select 'send message') as to what area you're looking to stay and i'll send you a direct link as to where to post your question(s))

Please use these PRICELINE and HOTWIRE links to begin your travel purchases.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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  • 5 years later...
  • 2 years later...
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