
Hotwire Hotel: Determing Hotwire hotels with Tripadvisor information provided

By Wyomingtraveler,

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Hi all

I have been planning a trip to Toronto for some time in future and decided to check out Hotwire to see what rates they had to offer. In the process I noticed that they are providing some Tripadvisor information. That is to say that are listing average user score, as well number of reviews and last review date. Thinking that I could use the information provided by Hotwire such as location and the information from Tripadvisor to narrow the hotel being offering. Below are the results of my search.

Hotwire information:

4* Hotel in Downtown Toronto West for $95

Tripadvisor information (provided on Hotwire):

Traveler rating - 4.0 out of 5* based on 240+ reviews

last reviewed on May 2007

Tripadvisor information from their site:

4* Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel

Traveler rating - 4.0 our of 5* based on 255 reviews

lated reviewed on June 2007

This seems like a good match to me. I am guessing that Hotwire may not provide the most up to date Tripadvisor details, but rather updates the information say once a month or so.

Anyone else ever try to use this information to determine a possible match(es) for hotels offered on Hotwire? If so, did you have any success?



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The Tripadvisor ratings are not a reliable way to identify hotels... the way to put the odds in your favor is to use the hotel lists and match the amenities. You can use the other information (such as TA ratings) as a secondary indicator, but the the TA ratings are dynamic in that they change frequently as new reviews are given... HOTWIRE doesn't update this information as quickly so there can often be discrepencies between the rating shown on the TA site and the rating shown by HOTWIRE.

As an example, see the difference in the "last reviewed" dates above. :)

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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