
Priceline Hotel: Need bidding help for 4* in FQ

By pokeywokey,

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I am trying to bid for 2 rooms in a 4* in the FQ over memorial day weekend (5/27/04 -5/31/04). I added 3-4 bidding zones and bid all the way up to $110/night but all were rejected.

Am I bidding too far in advance or are there just higher prices for the holiday weekend?

Also, I don't know the area of New Orleans so I am assuming the FQ is the only zone to stay in that offers safety and convenience. We will not be renting a car so we want to stay somewhere that we can walk to the FQ safely and quickly. We don't mind spending a little more for the convenience. Are 3*s okay in this area?


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Some would even question the FQ as being called "safe" :)

Rates are probably somewhat inflated at this early date due to the holiday weekend.

The Central Business District (CBD) on Priceline and on Priceline the Downtown area might be good options as well. I've been to New Orleans once (contenplating a return trip in the near future) and i think these zones would be ok too, but perhaps board member Swag can add some thoughts when he sees this as he knows the area better than I do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried Priceline several times and bid up to $125 for a 4* in the FQ and was never accepted. Expedia began to show hotels booked for some of the nights I needed. I gave up on Priceline and booked the Fairmont for $129 a night on Expedia. Hotwire was showing the cheapest 4* in FQ for $154. I guess the prices are high due to the holiday weekend.

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Thank you for following up and posting your ultimate result/decision.

IMO doing so adds 'closure' to threads and can help other users with ideas when they too are having troubles with particular dates/zones.

Enjoy your trip.

PS- i really enjoyed Irene's Cuisine in the Quarter for dinner (a local's place but expect a wait if you arrive shortly after they open). As well, taking the Street Car thru the Garden District to Camellia Grill for breakfast where they'll treat you like a 'regular' even though it's your first time there was a treat.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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Just saw this thread. For others who may be in the same situation, at the 4* level, I'd add the CCGD zone. I don't know of any 4* in the garden district. Most likely, you'd get the Sheraton or Hilton, which are both right across the street (Canal St) from the FQ.

If you want to walk to the FQ and are concerned about safety, I'd be wary of the CBD zone (especially at lower star levels), which stretches all the way up to the Superdome area - that's a bit of a hike, especially once the weather get warm, and the neighborhood can get a little dicey.

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Hey swag, if you want to keep up on all of the New Orleans posts you can subscribe to both the Hotwire and Priceline forum for this area (directly under the NEW TOPIC and NEW POLL buttons on the top right corner of the board's grid). Whenever a new post is made to either you will receive an email message!

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If anyone has trouble with this feature feel free to ask.

I mention it because it's another cool feature that the board offers that i don't think is widely known and therefore under utilzed.

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Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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