
Hotwire Hotel: Hotwire help 5/12-5/16 manhattan, NY

By kormybear,

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i wanted an ID on this:

Details for your 3.5-star hotel in Midtown Central

Hotel Details

Check in:Fri, May 12, 2006 Check out:Tue, May 16, 2006Hotel name:Hotwire Hotel Supplier

$179per room

per night

Hotel Amenities


Property offers at least one restaurant on the premises; hours and days of operation may vary.

Fitness Center

Guests have access to exercise equipment; an additional charge may apply.

High-speed Internet Access

Guestrooms are equipped with high-speed Internet access; an extra charge may apply.

Laundry Facilities

<amenity names only please... not descriptions>

THanks so much for your help!!!

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