
Priceline Hotel: 3.5* Maui Island (Central Ka'anapali - Lahaina) Aston At The Whaler On Kaanapali Beach

By yiujun131,

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Hi, looking for a room in Central Kaanapali for Sep 20-27, 2019. Trying priceline bidding as it has served me in the past.

I just put in $185 USD and was rejected. I was going to add re-bid zone Kihei, which only has 3.5* and below hotels, but when I selected the zone, the median price on the 4 star hotels dropped (the bar by the name my price text input), which worried me and I didn't go ahead.

Is it ok to use Kihei as a re-bid zone to bid now? Wanted to confirm.

Per Priceline, someone bidded $200 USD 2 days ago and won a 4* hotel in that area. I am ok with that price. Should I just go ahead and bid $200 USD on my next turn?


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Welcome to BetterBidding!


As of this point in time, you should be fine using Kihei as a re-bid zone (future readers of this thread should of course always double check their re-bid zones).  We have seen the situation you describe above before and never had an issue.


Also, if you haven't seen it yet, we have set up the following page for the quickest and easiest access to the NYOP Bidding page:


... please bookmark and use this link for your current and future bidding.


29 minutes ago, yiujun131 said:

Per Priceline, someone bidded $200 USD 2 days ago and won a 4* hotel in that area. I am ok with that price. Should I just go ahead and bid $200 USD on my next turn?

You can try, but these were most likely for dates that were very different from your own, and therefore what it takes to win a bid is also likely going to be very different... i suspect that at the moment for a 4 star hotel in this zone for your dates you're more likely looking at the mid-$200's.


Any question feel free to ask.


Good luck and let us know how it goes or how we can be of further help.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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I am hoping this is Aston at Whaler's - that's what the Betterbidding tool is telling me:

3.5-Star PRICELINE EXPRESS Condo Central Ka'anapali - Lahaina Area


$304/nightOcean View - Free Wifi, Full Kitchen, Fridge, Microwave

$325/nightOcean View - Free Wifi, Fridge, Microwave


Free Parking


Free Internet available

Free Internet

Indoor or Outdoor Pool

Fitness Center

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Please keep all posts for the same stay in the same thread. Once you win a hotel, use the 'ADD REPLY and REPORT WIN' button on the upper right corner of the page to edit the topic title to reflect your win and to provide the details of your purchase. This helps keep the board better organized by reducing the number of unresolved threads that don't have any follow-up or conclusion.


For the HOTWIRE hotels above:

3* HOTWIRE Ka'anapali for $190.00
Free Internet
Hi-Speed Internet
==> Kaanapali Beach Hotel


4* HOTWIRE Ka'anapali for $234.00
Free Internet
Pet Friendly
Smoke Free
==> Westin Maui


Although i'm curious why even the interest in the one above with a 75% recommendation when this one has a 90% recommendation, has a higher review rating, and is cheaper:

4* HOTWIRE Ka'anapali for $207.00
Free Parking
Free Internet
Near Beach
==> Honua Kai Resort my best guess here, should this be of any interest


For the PRICELINE EXPRESS hotel i'm not currently seeing any 3.5* property offered in this zone when searching for your dates, are you still seeing this one on your own search?


Please remember to return to BetterBidding and use the PRICELINE and HOTWIRE links on the board to begin your travel purchases... or thru our sister site MAPSandHOTELS.com for your regular rate purchases.


Let us know what you decide and how it goes or how we can be of further help.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got the one I wanted! Use the 5% off coupon, but realized Priceline gave me a 10% off coupon that I could've used instead.. so that's $100 down the drain for me 😞
But still happy that I got what I was shooting for - thanks!



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