
Priceline Hotel: Orange Co.

By BSWatie,

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I'm new to the board, so I apologize if do this wrong, but any advice is appereicated: 


Looking for a 3 or better star hotel

Irvine or Orange County

7-8-16 to 7-11-16

Looking to stay around the 80.00 range (hopefully this is realistic).



Thanks in advance.

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I'm a member, not a board official, but a couple comments while you are awaiting your official welcome here:


You'll probably find this the most flame-free, politest, most helpful board you've yet encountered.  Just polite gentle nudges if you've misplaced, misunderstood or misstated anything. 


A good start might be to try that QuickQuote Bidding Helper up in the left hand corner.  Enter your destination and dates.  The next screen takes you to where you could start bidding via Priceline.  You aren't quite ready for that yet, but do click into the Hotwire and Priceline Express columns to get an idea as to what you might get via those methods.  Actual Priceline bidding can be a little bit less expensive, but HW and PE have the advantage of showing you the amenities and a pretty good guess from the officials here as to what hotel you might get.  It is a matter of whether saving the last few dollars in more important to you, or knowing the hotel you get will offer some specific amenity (Free Parking, Free Breakfast, ....??).


There is also the Winning Bids icon where you can see if other bidders had successes for your area and dates.


And lots of other really good things.



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Welcome to BetterBidding! (there it is... your official welcome :tongue: )


If you start with the QUICKQUOTE and Romelle suggested, go to the Priceline Bidding tab that appears after you click the Search button... which of those zones would you be willing to stay in for this trip? (use the map to the right of the zones to see the exact boundaries for each zone name)


Please remember to return to BetterBidding and use the PRICELINE and HOTWIRE links on the board to begin your travel purchases... or thru our sister site MAPSandHOTELS.com for your regular rate purchases.


Let us know the information above (or ask questions if you're lost) and we'll take it from there.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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Please keep us updated throughout the process and let us know if you have questions.


Can you confirm which zone/s would be acceptable? We would be happy to take a look and research options once we confirm which areas would be acceptable (in other words, you'd be okay potentially staying anywhere within the highlighted zone area on the PRICELINE map.)


Please remember to return to BetterBidding and use the PRICELINE and HOTWIRE links on the board to begin your travel purchases... or thru our sister site MAPSandHOTELS.com for your regular rate purchases.

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