
Hotwire Hotel: WDW 4 star bidding

By AdventurerKat,

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First off, just want to say I am happy to have found this board. The other board that I am aware of relating to priceline and hotwire bidding just isn't as helpful nor nearly as friendly.

My question is this. I have been checking daily on Hotwire (often more than daily) for a four star or more hotel in the WDW area for October 29 to Nov 3. Repeatedly the Wyndham has come up BUT two or three weeks ago, it was $67.00 and now I think it is up to $87.00 a night so I am kicking myself for not buying at the $67.00 but I was kind of waiting to see if Swan or Dolphin would pop up and every day they have not, only Wyndham.

I am fine with staying at the Wyndham, good location for Downtown Disney, but can anyone give me a guess as to whether or not they think it will go back down or it will just continue to climb? If I buy at $87.00 a night I will end up kicking myself if it goes back down to $67.00 and reverse for not buying and it goes to $107.00!!!

I know you can't predict but does anyone have any idea of a general trend? Common sense would tell me that the closer it got to the time I go, the cheaper it should get provided they have availability as they would want to fill up rooms. At least that is my theory.

I know I could probably do o.k. on Priceline with a $60.00 or so bid but I am fearful to do so for this trip as I don't want to get stuck at MWC or Gaylord Palms, both nice resorts I am sure, but I will have my three year old and don't want to rent a car. Would much rather have the predictability and convenience of either Downtown Disney or Swan/Dolphin.

Sorry if I have rambled on too much. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.

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Welcome to BetterBidding! Thanks for the compliments on the site.

To review hotel pricing, a hotel prices its rooms based upon perceived demand, since true demand isn't actually known. As a check-in date draws near, a hotels expects to sell 'x' number of rooms per day. If as time moves on a hotel has sold fewer than 'x' rooms per day, they will lower their rate. If during this time they have sold more than 'x' rooms per day, they will raise their rates. So i don't think this question is answerable by a general rule, unless one has insight to a hotel's bookings (which isn't available to the public).

Hope this at least gives a little more insight into the situation, and you may want to read a similar thread here: Ideal time to purchase on Hotwire?

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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