
Priceline Hotel: Priceline bidding <21 - Virginia Beach

By mushuman123,

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Hi, new member here.

I'm currently planning a trip to Virginia beach (probably downtown Norfolk or Portsmouth) with 5 other people from 7/25 to 7/27. We want the price per room to be at most around $100 and are looking for at least a 3 star hotel; I are planning on booking 3 rooms. Looking at the options on both hotwire and priceline, I feel that bidding with priceline will definitely yield the better deal. However, the issue is that none of us are 21 - I'm only 19.

I've also read that the age restriction really depends on the individual hotel's policies. And after some research (looking at the maps on hotels.com, booking.com, as well as the maps from betterbidding), I found that all the hotels listed do not have a 21+ policy discreetly stated. I am pretty confident that if I bid that I will probably get one of these hotels, but there is still some apprehension to the possibility of getting some hotel that was not only any of these maps and requires 21+.

Have I done enough research to justify this relatively safe gamble, or should I go with hotwire and book something more expensive?

Thank you

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I would say no to Price.line. There is definitely a chance that you may get a hotel that is 21+ and refuse to allow you to stay there. Hot.wire is a much better bet, as if you click on a listing, then scroll down to the bottom on the detail page, you should be given an age warning about the hotel that will either say 18+ or 21+. Hot.wire is generally slightly-to-moderately more expensive than bidding on Price.line, but in this case, I think it's worth the risk of not getting there and having them say you can't stay at the hotel.


If you see a listing of interest on Hot.wire, please let us know the star rating, price and complete set of amenities showing with the listing.


Thank you for using the board's HOTWIRE or PRICELINE links to start your purchases and searches.

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Age of child:
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