
Priceline Hotel: 1* Cleveland (Downtown) Comfort Inn

By joealx,

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I took a gamble and lost! I played around with 2*, hoping to get the Hampton Inn Downtown ( saw 2* at Priceline's packages). Bid $32,34, 36.

No luck, so I dropped down to 1*, hoping to be upgraded to 2*. This is what I got. Terrible.

Reading the horror stories at Trip Advisor, I will forfiet this bid, and go over to Hotwire.

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Welcome to BetterBidding!

That bad? Sorry to hear your gamble didn't pay off... in similar situation may be best to just go to Hotwire before lowering to 1* properties. Also, with so much time before your stay, why even take the chance on a 1* bid, why not just wait out the 72 hours and try again?

You post suggests that you bid $36 at the 2* level and then $36 at the 1* level, is this correct?

Thanks for the post and new hotel to add to our lists..

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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