
Priceline Hotel: 3* Cincinnati (University - Norwood) Marriott UofC

By jrminiquad,

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:) Recently bid on a hotel for a quick Kings Island visit. Bid $40 for a 2.5* in the Kings Island area, no luck, added free rebid zone "East" and bid $45, no dice, added another free rebid zone "Norwood", and bid $50 with no luck.

Started a new bid for a 2* in Kings Island area @ $35 with no luck.

Later tried for 2.5* in Kings Island area, starting at $55, no luck. Added free rebid in "Norwood" zone and went with $60. Was upgraded to a 3*, the Marriot Kingsgate Conference Center at the University of Cincinnati.

What a bummer! The hotel itself is great, but the 10 block area between the interstate and the hotel is kinda seedy. Lock your doors. I understand that Priceline used to have this hotel listed as the "Downtown" area, but recently changed it to the "Norwood" area. Norwood is actually about three miles north of this hotel. On top of now having an extended drive to Kings Island, I also had to pay $8.25 a day to park in the parking garage.

I would have been better off to stick with a 2* in the Sharonville or Blue Ash areas. Although not guaranteed, you almost always end up with a hotel in the Cincy area that has a pool. This one did not. Kids thought the place sucked. Whatcha going to do?

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Welcome to BetterBidding!

On your second round of bidding, you say:

Added free rebid in "Norwood" zone and went with $60

but since Norwood has higher rated hotels than the zone you really wanted, it is not really a re-bid zone.

I think your disappointment stems from adding a 'live' zone that you really didn't want instead of a true re-bid zone.

If you need help confirming your re-bid zones for future bidding feel free to ask for help.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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