
Priceline Refund Request

By meemster,

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One thing I've always appreciated about Priceline is how clear they are about their policies. But I just booked a hotel using the this board's PRICELINE link today and got it cancelled and fully refunded within the hour.

Why? I booked a name your own price hotel and discovered it was the same one that my husband's el cheapo employer put him up in last spring. FILTHY. Believe my, we do not complain (never written a nasty online review, etc) and have stayed in all kinds of sketchy backpacker places all over the world. But even at Priceline discount rates, an all-suite hotel where management is repeatedly informed over the course of a week's stay that there is mouldy food in the back of kitchen cupboards and used personal hygiene products in the bathroom cupboards and does NOTHING about it, is not worth any price.

I called priceline, spoke directly to frontline customer service, calmly and politely explained the situation and was given a full refund. Maybe it helped that we use priceline several times a year and have never complained before? Anyhow, just thought you'd like to know, compelling reasons will be heard. I'm sold and will re-book thru Priceline using different parameters for the same dates. Hope this helps!

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  • 4 months later...

I had a much different experience trying to book with Priceline for the first time.

Somehow (I can't explain it..) I goofed, and booked the hotel one day later than I needed it. I realized this all of two minutes after my bid was accepted. I immediately called customer service, explained the situation, and asked to fix the reservation. They refused to do it. Spoke to a "supervisor", same deal.

They "helpfully" offered to cancel the reservation.. with the cancellation fee being the same as my hotel reservation cost!! Oh, gee!! So nice of them!!



After banging my head against the wall, I called the hotel I was booked at. Within 2 minutes of speaking to the manager (it did take a while to get him on the line..) everything had been fixed!

Kudos to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Toronto, Canada.. a big THUMBS DOWN for Priceline. I don't think I'm going to book with them ever again...

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Welcome to BetterBidding!

Glad to hear you were able to get your situation resolved, but please adhere to the board rules and share your win so that others can benefit from the information:

While we welcome both positive and negative experiences, please keep in mind that the spirit of this message board is helping users.

If you have a complaint, problem, or question with a recent or upcoming Priceline/Hotwire stay, we will be happy to do what we can to help, but please be considerate of the board's primary goal of helping others and first post the details of your 'win.'

It is important for everyone to know when problems and customer service issues arise, but the majority of the users come here to see winning bid information... so please oblige them with this information before asking for them for help.

Thanks! :)


Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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  • 4 years later...

I am not new to the priceline.com experience. I got a great hotel deal a long time ago on priceline.com and was waiting for another opportunity to use the site. This time I wanted to get a package trip and I began searching for the flight pricing but the rates were Not within the market range and I tried a few package routes yet never came close to the right price bracket. My boyfriend had done phone research on the R/T ticket prices from OC, Calif to SLC, Utah and so I was looking for that similar price, rounded up or rounded down. I ended up verifying this flight price with an actual airline just to be sure my boyfriend was right and I still continued to book a package trip starting with airline tickets but I just kept coming to the same pages with the same old results. In my searching for the right reservation I did a car rental bid using approximate dates and times and won. I didn't even challenge the rate. I bid $15 a day for the economy class rental car and the reservation was placed. Then I did some other searching for a hotel and made a reservation for a hotel on Booking.com using the same approx. dates for the trip desired and then I went back to priceline.com to begin searching again for the compared flight pricing that was current on the market and I figured that if I started with just one reservation, that being the flight reservation then if I found the comparable price there then I would just be prompted to complete the trips reservations with hotel and car rental bookings and that's what happened. I found the current market flight pricing and made the reservations, then I followed the prompts to make reservations for the hotel and the rental car in accordance with the specific day and times of the flight reservations. When I was done making all the reservations I went back and cancelled the previous reservations I had made for the trip when I tried to put it all together at first. I was able to cancel my hotel reservations with Booking.com and another car rental reservation that was made when I was attempting to reserve a car off the expdia.com website. Those cancellations were successful. But when I attempted to get a refund for the car rental reservation made with priceline.com I was denied. First they said to me, "I understand how you feel when you've already made a reservation and then you see a cheaper price you reserve the lower price", and I said No, that wasn't it at all. I explained that I was trying to reserve a vacation package but the flight pricing wasn't comparable so I tried entering the same info coming up with the same results then I took another approach at making the reservations and that's where I found the comparable flight pricing when I made that single reservation, then what followed was the following reservations that was prompted on the web page to complete my reservations for the trip. They repeated the same thing over and over to me, saying that there was nothing they could do and I could not cancel the original car rental reservation. So after talking to two chat reps online and one cust svc rep over the phone I contacted Hertz Car Rentals directly and explained that I had two reservations made for the same trip just off by a half a days hours and asked them for help modifying the reservation to make one reservation instead of two. They didn't help me and referred me back to pricline.com. . So, I called cust svc priceline.com back and explained that I needed help and that I had contacted Hertz Corp to no avail hadn't resolved the conflict. Priceline.com repeatedly explained there was nothing they could do and even their manager repeated that same script. I complained about what customer service I Wasn't getting and I told them it seemed like they weren't in business to provide helpful services for people planning to travel but that all they wanted was my money. They said several times they understand how I felt but still nothing could be done. I couldn't believe it. I didn't get it. Nothing qualified as a valid reason for a refund, no matter how reasonable the request and I ended the call saying that they had not provided me with suitable customer service and now I was paying for two reservations for the same thing and the great discount I got when the reservation finally came together was now dampened and I felt taken advantage of and I stated that I was no longer a believer in priceline.com and I would never refer them to anybody I know. They just sighed with relief and we both said goodbye.

                    I had no idea that their policy was more important than their impressions. Wow.

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