
Gonna bid...

By Redbirdjen44,

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Will likely submit my first Priceline bid for airfare. It is running from the Chicago area to Vegas during the time we want to go (1st/2nd week in August) anywhere between $300-$400 max. I'm going to submit a $100 bid + the $39.95 in fees. I figure the worst they'll say is no. And, I've bidding for 4 tickets as we have 4 in our group.

Those weeks in August are Vegas' slowest time. Flights are cut back on all the discount airlines (Allegiant, Jet Blue, Spirit etc...) which is as much of a minus as a plus.

So I ask, Am I nuts to think there is ANY chance this bid gets accepted?? If/when it gets rejected, I will probably up it once or twice in $40 installments--but I figure this is like buying a house, make that first offer low b/c you can never go back down again.

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Welcome to BetterBidding!

So I ask, Am I nuts to think there is ANY chance this bid gets accepted??
Probably... but if you have the time, as you point out, worse they can do is say no, and you get a chance to try out the bidding process.
If/when it gets rejected, I will probably up it once or twice in $40 installments
See this Priceline Airfare Re-bidding thread (see the second post) as you can get almost an infinite amount of re-bids by using different cities/towns near the airport, and therefore up your bids by smaller dollar increments.

Please use the PRICELINE and HOTWIRE links on the board to begin your travel purchases.

Good luck and let us know how it goes or if we can be of further help.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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