
AMA [Amarillo,Texas] to LGA [NewYork Laguardia]

By dannon,

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Hi ,

I was planning to fly from AMA [Amarillo,Texas] to LGA [NewYork Laguardia] next week from 7/1/10 to 7/6/10 and needed 2 tickets. The lowest available price is $480 =$450+$30 tax - on both American and Continental. So how much of a discount can I get and what do I bid? I was hoping around 350 -may be wishful thinking but will give it a shot.

Also ,as it is to NYC - many free rebid options will be available. So what do I bid and what would be a realistic price ? If the difference is less than 100 ,then I would prefer the regular way instead of a PL bid. Also HW has no discounted rates- just the regular rates.

And as usual , will be bidding through the PRICELINE or HOTWIRE links on this website. Thanks. :)

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Using the technique in this Priceline Airfare Re-Bidding thread you can have almost an unlimited number of re-bids.

Not sure if you're looking to save $100 per ticket or total for the two tickets, but i'd start at $250 and raise $10-$20 per re-bid (more at the lower bids... less at the higher bids) until you reach your maximum bid (of $350??)

Thanks for using the PRICELINE links on the board to begin your bidding.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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