
Priceline Hotel: New Orleans Jazzfest Hotels

By angeloGman,

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After trying many many rates for April 29th and 30th to May 2nd in New Orleans, I've still been unsuccesful in acquiring a hotel. Today I've tried rates as high as 135.00 for 2.5, 3, and 4 star hotels in the French Quarter, Central Business District, and the Convention Center areas. What the heck is going on here? I know the retail is around $188-200, but I can't even get a room period and I keep plugging away. I really don't want to pay over $100 but I am willing to for a room in the French Quarters. I am in dire straights here. Someone give me some suggestions. I don't really want to wait another month to book it because I'm afraid all the hotels will be booked by then. Help a brother out please!!!!

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Hi there,

I agree that you should try to book a tentative room on easyclicktravel. For your dates (4/29-5/2) there are a number of places that you can try to reserve a room "on request" for $109, including the Astor (off the record)and the Alexa.

A few months ago, I tried to book these places and I was told that they are blacked out because of Jazzfest, however, I have read in other places that people are getting rooms occasionally. The advantage of this strategy is that you can CANCEL your reservation up until 48 hours prior to arrival. This means that you can book but continue to try and get a priceline room. You will be charged initially for the room.

I would try to book ALL of the different offers on easyclick in the hopes of hitting one. Also, you can keep trying.

As for their 48 hour notification, you probably need to call them. They are bad about emailing.

As for priceline, once the second weekend schedule was announced, prices went through the roof. Keep your fingers crossed. The Jazzfest discussion board is a great place to keep up to date with availability. I think that rooms will become available in the next month or so.

Good luck.

ps. I heard that La Quinta is not bad.

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I've seen successes for 1st weekend over the past two weeks, but 2nd weekend really seems to have dried up. Your short stay isn't helping any, either, I'm sure.

One hint about EasyClick - while I too have found emails about On Request bookings are intermittent, you can go to the site, log in, click to My Account, and check the status that way.

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Thanks. I tried to book the Astor on Easyclick.com. That was helpful. It was $365 for 2 nights. Not the best, but I'll live with it if I get it. I'd almost rather wait it out to find out if I can get a cheaper hotel in a few weeks when they realize that I won't pay over $150 for a hotel room per night for the downtown French Quarter district. I'd rather just stay at the La Quinta if I were to do that. I wouldn't mind it as a last resort.

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Easy click DENIED my request, and I had to wait 5 days to figure it out. Terrible service. I was really pissed when they told me the hotel I requested, Astor, was booked the whole weekend and could NEVER have allowed me to stay there when they KNEW they were booked. I'm getting really frustrated. Can anyone help me on finding a place for that weekend??? Or do I have to stay at the Cockroach Motel Inn???

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You knew from the start that this was an on request booking (and i had even commented it was a longshot) and the instructions above told you how to check your request. Should you have heard sooner, yes, but when looking for a hotel during a peak time you also need to be a little pro-active and stay on top of things.

Rooms at the Astor Crowne Plaza are available for 4/30-5/2... but EasyClick has sold-out of their allotment, and that is by definition what an 'on request' reservation is about (the hotel is, however, sold-out on the 29th)

QUICKBOOK has the Avenue Garden Hotel for about $100/nite, but the reviews are either 'love it or hate it'.

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oh please, understand, I am DEFINITELY NOT mad at anyone on this site. I'm just a little frustrated with the situation, thats all. You ALL have been very helpful , and I DEFINITELY appreciate your time and replies. IF there are any more ally ways that you know of that I can attempt, please let me know. Thanks for taking the time to read and reply to my sarcastic posts.

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Our thin is a bit thicker than that :)... no offense taken!

Did you see the quickbook offer/link i mention above? I've been to New Orleans but not to Jazzfest so i don't know how that hotel/location would work out, but the price seems good given the streetcar runs right thru the Garden District so it should be easy to get to/from the Quarter and where ever else you need to go.

Do you have any other current back-ups?

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I think that it was Swag who mentioned (perhaps in a different forum) that a lucky few have actually gotten the Alexa on Easyclick despite that they have exhausted their inventory. I assume that easyclick contacts the hotel each time they get a request. It wouldn't hurt to keep trying there. Just keep a running request going up until the fest. You never know if you'll get lucky.

In any event, most people I know are fairly confident that rooms will open up on priceline sometime in April when the hotels assess their inventory. I still see a $60 a night Hyatt room for you. Keep your fingers crossed!

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One twist about On Request rates:

Even once EasyClick's inventory is gone and the hotel isn't releasing any more, the lucky few can still get in. When EC gets a cancellation (and EC rates are cancellable up until a few days before), they do not return the room to the hotel. They keep the room in inventory and will sell it at the On Request rate to someone whose dates match.

Unfortunately, they do not have a waiting list.

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Hey angeloGman,

FYI: I just added another person to our group for the fest and I've assumed hotel finding responsibilities. Just wanted to let you know that I am now on the hunt for a 4/29-5/02 room as well. Because we're all staying at the Hyatt, I am aiming for that hotel. I keep you posted of my successes/failures. I am going to keep bidding right up until the day before. $80 is my max.

Happy hunting!

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