
BMI to MCO June 12-20

By bkcadavis,

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Hi I'm trying to get a flight from Bloomington, IL (BMI) to Orlando, FL (MCO) for June 12th to the 20th. I've used priceline a lot for hotels and always get great deals. I'm having trouble figuring out how much I should bid.

The tickets are 281 today. Last night they were 243. I'd like to pay 140 per ticket. Any suggestions?


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See the second post in this Priceline Airfare RE-Bidding for info on how to get almost unlimited re-bids when bidding on airfare. Using this technique, you can start at ~50% off and increase by $5/$10 per re-bid until you reach your maximum bid.

Please use the PRICELINE and HOTWIRE links on the board to begin your travel purchases.

Any questions feel free to ask.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases

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