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Everything posted by coast2coast21

  1. Okay, I just got the Hyatt for $99/night. $464 total for 4 nights with taxes and fees.
  2. ^ I'd rather pay extra money for the longer stay rather than split my bid and have to move hotels during my getaway.
  3. Does anyone know the quality of the Hollyday Inn Walk Of Fame compared to the Hyatt? And thereuare, my stay is from June 21-25.
  4. Damn, I'm getting shot-down for $100 for a 3* in West Hollywood from June 21-25. Is it too early? I got the Hyatt at $96 like 6-7 weeks ago...
  5. ^ True, I wouldn't mind that too much. But I just don't want to get stuck with another 3*.
  6. Are 90% of 3* wins in West Hollywood/Beverly Hills still the Hyatt on Sunset? I got that last time, and I want it again this time......
  7. Ehhh....I ended up getting the West Hollywood 3* Hyatt for $96. 5 nights= $480 + $80.94 taxes/fees= $560.94 I was hoping for a better deal, but it still beats the priceline price of $223/night. Thanks Wally and everyone else for the help.
  8. Do you know what parking rates are around the airport? I might have to just get there. It's crazy, you think you're getting a good deal if it's $90 for a 3*. But then it's like another $15 in priceline fees, and another $20 atleast for parking. The $90 comes out to over $125.
  9. ^ Thanks. Traffic during the day won't bother me too much. The only time I have to be somewhere during traffic hours would be a dodgers game at 7pm. Other than that I just plan on going to clubs at night, which would obviously be after 10 pm. So I shouldn't have to worry about traffic at that time. During the day, i'll probably just be killing time at the shopping centers. So downtown to Hollywood without traffic is only 10-15 minutes, huh? I might just do that. I think i'm thinking too much though. Even if I stay downtown, people are saying the parking prices are $30 a day. That pretty much negates any money I would be saving by getting a $60 hotel in downtown as opposed to a $90 in Hollywood.
  10. Wally, I am trying different combinations, but still no luck under $90. And the Hyatt is in West Hollywood, right? I don't want to get stuck at the 3* Holiday Inn in Holiday...the reviews on that one weren't very pleasant.
  11. zeroone, can you tell me how far the drive is from downtown LA to hollywood. Also, from the airport to hollywood? thanks.
  12. Wally, no luck with two nights. I tried 1 night also, still no luck. But please answer my questions about Downtown/LAX when you get a chance, it will help me a great deal. Thanks.
  13. "If you want to stay at the Hyatt all five nights Hotwire has that for $143/night, plus parking. Or you could bid $80 for a 3* on Priceline and go up from there." Wally, after doing some homework....I think the Hyatt is where I want to stay. I bid up to $90 for 5 nights in hollywood and west hollywood and I'm still getting turned down? It seems like people have got the Hyatt for $80 or so....am I having bad luck? Or is it because i'm staying 5 nights? Any ideas? One more question Wally, since you seem to be familiar with the area. If I can't get the Hyatt in West Hollywood for $90 or less....should I just stay at one of the LAX hotels or in downtown LA. It seems like I can get a 4* in those 2 areas for around $70 (Westin, I think?). How far is the drive from the those areas to Sunset/Hollywood? Also, I'm from the Bay Area and I will be driving down there, so I will have my car to get around. I don't mind driving 15-20 minutes to get to Hollywood if it means I'm saving $30 a night on the hotel room. And how is traffic in those areas? Sorry for all the questions, but thanks a lot for your help.
  14. Can someone try to figure this out.... How come if you search for hotels in Santa Monica, it does show 4* hotels. However, when you name your own price and check the Santa Monica/Marina Del Ray box, it shows that there AREN'T 4* hotels in that area. Does this mean that you can't get a 4* in Santa Monica using name your own bid, or is it some kind of priceline error? I want to use Santa Monica as a re-bid zone, but don't want to be stuck with a hotel there.....
  15. ^ What is the best way to determine the re-bid zones? If I want a 3* or 4* hotel in Hollywood or West Hollywood, what should I do? Should I search for hotels in the general area (which would be Los Angeles) and then see the different sub-areas in that region? By doing that, it will show me the sub-areas and what * level hotels are there. So whatever one of those doesn't have 3* or 4* hotels would qualify as a rebidding zone? Did that make sense? And is that the correct way to do it? Or is there a better way?
  16. when you search for a hotel, put santa monica as the city. and when the results come up, it shows 4* in santa monica. And when you use the name your own price feature, how come it doesn't show what * level hotels are available in each zone?
  17. Can someone help me out and let me know what would be my rebid zones for a 4* in Hollywood, and also the rebid zones for 3* in Hollywood. I want to stay in West Hollywood or Hollywood, so I don't mind winning in either of those. And I want atleast a 3*.
  18. ^ How is Santa Monica a free rebid zone? They have 4* hotels there, so what if you win a hotel there? Am I missing something?
  19. Well I got shot down at $75/night for a 3*, so i'll try again tomorrow at $80.
  20. Wally is there any other 3* hotels around house of blues or on sunset? Or any on Hollywood blvd. near the clubs? I don't have to have a 4*, I just want the best I can get for no more than $100 per night, and I thought maybe I could get a 4* for that price. If I have to get a 3*, that's fine. I just want something nice, because last time I went to LA I went the cheap route and spent 5 nights in a 2*. I don't want to do that again.
  21. ^ Thanks....I don't think I'm going to be able to afford 143/night. So it's better for me to start at a 3* for $90? I was hoping to maybe get a 4* around that price....
  22. One other question I forgot to ask.....do people tend do get better deals from priceline, or hotwire? Also, should I expect to get a lower price considering i'm staying 5 nights as opposed to those who got a particular rate staying 1 night?
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