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Everything posted by tcc_dc

  1. I have tried for about three weeks to get consecutive nights with no luck with various bids from $70 to $96. Anyways, my winning bids were: 5/19/05 Hilton Gaslamp $85 with taxes $102.43. Pretty happy as the best price on line was $199 for the Hilton. Hotwire had a 4 star for $94 with a description that matched the Wyndham. 5/20/05 Omni $96 with taxes $114.85 Very happy with the price as the best price on line was $209 for the OMni. Hotwire had a 4 star for $152. tcc
  2. I am looking at at a stay from 5/18-5/21 and a 3* comes up for $90 a night in the Downtown-Harbor Island area. The only description is Hotel. There are no amenities listed. I find this very strange as I have seen this for the past 3 days, at first putting it to a technical glitch, but it seems to be real. Any idea what this hotel is? Thanks. TCC
  3. This was my first bid. I checked prices online at the hotels prior to bidding, and the cheapest at the hotels that could be classified 4 star (Loews and Marriott) were about $135 a night. So I just took a percentage and hit it up. Priceline suggested a bid of $139 for the night. So I was hoping with the $75 bid to get rejected and have them come back for an offer of a little more, but it worked. tcc
  4. $75, with taxes $92. It is at the Loews, which is nice hotel. I only gave the option of Annapolis Waterfront. Very happy. tcc
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