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Posts posted by paly1

  1. Hi all...

    I am due back across the 'pond' landing on 04/14 and want to book a hotel for 4 nights before i secure my rental...

    The prices seem to be high at the moment in Boston and that weekend it is Easter (will that be in my favour or not!?).

    Is around $50 likely to be accepted for 4* anywhere around downtown/copley/airport?

    Any advice much appreciated...Hotwire is way overpriced on those dates..


  2. Did the priceline through savingsbarn link...this is what happened...

    Bid $61 (1 for luck!) for the above dates, 4* downtown toronto - rejected...(Then it offered me a rebid of exactly the same zone and star for $17 more!? - never seen that offer before but didn't do it as thought 78 was too high...

    Bid $63 added freebid zone - rejected

    Bid $65 added Freebid zone - rejected

    Then tried Hotwire through savingsbarn.com

    Was coming up with $91 for those dates for 4* downtown toronto a couple of weeks back but TODAY - it showed $71 for downtown toronto 4*!!

    I decided to take it as it was showing the customer fav icon etc. and i assumed it was the Shereton Centre and knew this would be great for us location wise and other...

    All in all got 9 nights for $71 plus tax - sheraton downtown centre...

    Am v happy considering its for a conference and the runners are offering the same hotel for $200 plus!

    Thanks a million u guys for the great advice as always...


  3. HI!

    Heading to Toronto Downtown on the above dates - best on hotwire is $92 and that was around $60 on hotwire a couple of weeks back but our plans were not fixed! - now that they are - am wondering how to go about bidding on Priceline to and what would be expected as an acceptable bid...going from the previous posts I am hoping $60 and will probably get the sheraton which i hear is really nice...

    What do you think?

    All help much appreciated as always...


  4. thanks for both posts and continued help - i will use the links to hopefully get a better deal than i have with the back-up booking with the hyatt at the moment....

    saying that, looking at the prices in NYC i am not feeling too bad:)

    I will keep you updated on what happens in the next few days..

    thanks again for all the help and the great website!


  5. Last night I was getting 225$ on hotwire for the night of the 14th - when i went to pay it timed me out - did it a second time and on a 3rd then went up to 305 which is where it is still at!! - i am waiting for it to get cold and hope that it will fall again - this is becoming ridicoulous...biting the bullet is becoming a reality - i wouldn't mind candlewood but i am bringing my parents and like the hyatt for its added luxury even though the prices are steep compared...

    on pricewire the 3* is upscale (sorry not delux) - and this is the same for the doubletree - i think hyatt on the hudson should complain as they were a 4* and are on hotwire!!

    any other deals ideas re. hyatt let me know - still have 2 weeks to play with - do the prices fluctuate and possibly get cheaper nearer the time due to cancellations?


  6. no luck on hotwire - i can only get a better deal if i book the 14th night on its own - am getting 276 as opposed to 329 hyatt are counting me (still save 100$ on 2 rooms tax etc)...but am only getting the 15 and 16th nights if i book 13-16 - then i get 263$ - that way i am paying more for the 13th which i get through hyatt themselves at 199 -

    i guess i have to do the math and work out the best deal minus the b'fast (which is pretty good at the hyatt) if i book hotwire...

    i dont trust priceline now with their 3* inc. the doubletree.....

    any other stratergies???


  7. I have booked back-up on hyatt...

    The doubletree as a hotel is on the 3 star rate on priceline and hyatt hotels are on the 3 star delux so if i bid for only 3 star delux will i def only get the hyatt??...don't want to switch hotels and am getting the good weekend rate direct with hyatt at 199 inc bfast which is about 15$ a person...

    Any advice?

  8. I was part of those $37 days:))...

    Just one thing - the 3 star delux on priceline for jersey city - does that only include the hyatt or can i get something else???....i don't want to bid if i get something different and have to switch hotels...i am wondering what star priceline make the sheraton suites??

    i have one last theory - weds night is all sold out for the hyatt even through their hotel direct so i am going to try and bid for mon and tues nights better than the 329 hyatt are quoting - how much do u suggest for a good chance??


    ps..thanks and i will use the links...this is a reat site!

  9. Thanks for that - I tried Priceline and split my bid - did sat and sun nights for 87 - didn't get that, then did the 3 week nights mon-thurs for 193 but no luck - then tried the whole thing for 197 - still nothing - have been able to book direct for the sat and sun at 199 plus tax so i figure thats ok but the last 3 nights, 2 are at 329 and the 17th has no rooms!

    Have you any experiance regarding the sheraton suites on the hudson??...i think i can get that for around 209 for the last 3 nights making it not a bad deal but way more than i have ever paid for NYC/jersey city...

    Things have gone up across the waters!!


  10. HI,

    I'm totally new to this forum but it looks like great advice - I think I posted this in NY instead of NJ so sorry about that - I'm from London!

    Can you give me any tips on what to bid for 5 nights, 2 rooms from 11/12 - 11/17...I really want the hyatt but the weekend rates differ so much from the weekdays through hyatt themselves that i want to try and get a good deal via priceline/hotwire...

    I used to live in the states and previously got hyatt on the hudson for a great deal - 35-60 bucks but i know things must have changed as that was 2 years back...

    So, any idea on what/how to bid - i want to try and avoid getting doubletree instead - is that in 3 star and hyatt 3 and a half on priceline?

    All help much appreaciated..


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