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Everything posted by edan

  1. I posted also in the flight section so I still don't have exact dates ,but it will probably be for about 2 weeks from 8/13-14 until the end of the month . 1- should I try a bid on all the period or try to bid for 2 seperate weeks ? 2-as I am coming alone ,I don't care getting a single room ,is there something like that in Vegas ?and if so will it be cheaper? 3-if Instead of trying to book I call hotels and try to get a good price becuase staying long ,is there any chance they give me a good price on long stay ? 4-i want to find a hotel on max 70$ a night (average) but if it's a 3 star hotel ,Luxor would be a good offer but loxur is at 69 a night on all sites ,so for that hotel I would hope to get around 55 a night max ...I wouldn't care paying a bit more to get a 4-5 star hotel .i would like only a hotel on the strip . How should I bid not to get stuck with circus circus and so ? Thanx
  2. Well in Israel it's only One international airport and it's TLV ,but there is another airport that doesn't fly international so maybe I can use that for another bid. The most I am willing to bid on a long flight like this is 1250 ,if I don't save 250 it ain't worth it . How about my first question about tricking the system ?
  3. hey everyone .i am new in this site and i won't be surprised if i am the only one from israel . i have a few questions .i never bid on priceline before but my uncle who lived in the US did it for me ,and got me really good deals .now i want to bid by myself and i know i have to trick the system by giving an american state and zip code ,i know that works with hotels .but my question is wouldn't that be a problem if i give wrong details on booking a flight ? second thing is i need help on finding a flight to vegas .now its very expensive flights ,the cheapest i found on my days is almost 1500 ...i have been to vegas 4 times before and the most i paid is 1150 . my dates are 8/13-8/30 and are flexable ,i mean it could be 14-28 ,13-29 and so on but i want atleast 2 weeks . any help on bidding would help here ,and what is the lowest bid i should offer on the first bid ? and how long is the most layover they can give me thanx
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