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Everything posted by SophiaH

  1. Hey there! Well, basically I’d prefer staying in FW, my boyfriend prefers the rating... so I guess it’ll be something in between. No, in general made the decision: the best hotel in FW or USW (USE would be okay for 3.5*, as well). Si it is more about the rating than the area. Nevertheless we tried our luck yesterday – without success. I thought it is easy to remember all steps I went bidding, no chance. Next time I will write it down immediately and then I can post it here. I try to summarize: basically we proceeded as proposed by me previously but with raising the total, up to 140$ for FW and USW 3.5*. No chance. W also tried 130$ for 3* in FW and USW and 120$ for 3.5* in USE. Seems too low. I know that now we have to go for 3* FW and raise the price maybe up to 140$. But it’s really expensive in October. Didn’t know that before. I guess I will check the 3* hotels in USE today and see if this is an option, as well. Any further proposals? Thank you!
  2. My budget is limited to $130. Could you be so kind and propose a bidding strategy. I'd proceed as follows: 1. FW and USW (or better USE first?), 4* and $100, if rejected: 2. Add USE, 4* and $100, if rejected: 3. Remove USE and USW, 3.5*, $ 100, if rejected: 4. Add USW, 3.5*, 100$, if rejected: 5. Add USE, 3.5*, 100$, if rejected: ... Then I'd continue with removing USE and USW and go for 3* in FW or increase the price. In your proposals I read that you always increase the price by 3$ steps. This would mean the 2. step would be: "Add USW, 4* and 103$". Is this the better way? If yes, why?
  3. Thank you very much for your help. I read the instructions for bidding at Priceline and now I understand everything a little bit better. As I have never been to SF I am not exactly sure which way to go: to add more zones (e.g. Union Square E and W) and stay at 3.5 stars or to big for Fisherman's Wharf only and decrease the rating. I know that this is actually off-topic but maybe sone SF-experts could help me with this question. We are a young couple and we are looking basically for a nice and rather safe place. It would be good if restaurants, bars etc. are close by... Thank you
  4. Hello there! First of all: thank you very much for your help. I am aware that there are some similar posts but mostly it is all about weekends
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