
Priceline Hotel: 3* Portland (South Portland-Scarborough) Wyndham Airport

By purefct,

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Portland ME 3* June 24-25 one night

I looked at Ho.twire and saw 3* $132, Expedia 3* $149 and Clarion $149. I prefer 3* or better. I saw recent Priceline forum posts of successful $55-81 bids.

I saw Priceline has Portland West 3* but no 3.5, South Portland 3 and 3.5, and Biddleton has neither star ratings.

- Bid $55 PW 3*

- added SP $60, noticed the 3.5* was added and I couldn't de-select it, but see later how I searched again using 3.5*

- added B $65

Noticed on Priceline there's now a page to review recent successful bids,


showing PW 3* at $85 and SP 3* at $100

I closed the browser, started a new session

- Bid $80 SP 3.5*

- added PW $95

- addded B $105

I suppose i should have seen if I could add 3* after the initial bid, then bid in smaller increments to score the 3*. Since I think I might get a PW 3* at $85 I guess I'll wait until tomorrow if I get a chance to see if I can get a better price on the 3*.

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New Bids today, the Priceline "recent history" now shows SP $80 yesterday (down from $100) and PW $95 today (up from $85)

- Bid $75 PW 3*

- added SP $80, noticed the 3.5* was added and I couldn't de-select it, but see later how I searched again using 3.5*

*** At this point I got the Wyndham, but here was my plan in case I had to keep bidding. I was running out of time, but if I had more days, I should have started this at $65 to see if I could get the Wyndham for $70 in the SP area.

- added B $85

I closed the browser, started a new session

- Bid $80 SP 3.5*

- added 3* $85

- added PW $90

- addded B $95

Here's my winning info:

Wyndham Portland Airport Hotel

South Portland - Scarborough

363 Maine Mall Road

South Portland, Maine 04106


Check-In Date:

Fri, Jun 24, 2011 / After 03:00 PM

Check-Out Date:

Sat, Jun 25, 2011 / 12:00 PM

Your Offer Price Per Room, Per Night: $80.00

Subtotal: $80.00

Taxes & Fees: $14.31

Total Charges*: $94.31

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